The Plant

Rida Ambiente believes in technological innovation.
All facilities have been installed after extensive research, from preliminary feasibility studies to the following design, purchase, and installation, in order to determine the best available technologies.
In all industrial fields, and in particular in the waste treatment industry, it is essential to move from the technology used for the treatment so far, toward low-impact technological innovations, to make the future a better place.

Rida Ambiente’s plants employ the best treatment techniques, approaching transformation processes of unsorted municipal solid waste with intelligence and symbiotic technology, with the aim of converting waste into energy.
Technology goes hand in hand with efficiency and it provides the Municipalities we work for with the best service at the most competitive price. This is possible because cost containment doesn’t result from reducing the costs of the technologies used, but rather from the efficiency achieved precisely from substantial technological investments.
Rida’s facilities consist of:

  • one biological treatment plant with a capacity of 1320 t/day and an annual capacity of 410,000 tons;
  • one biological and chemical-physical treatment plant for the disposal of non-hazardous liquid waste, with a daily capacity of 480 m³/day and 175,200 m³/year;
  • one mechanical treatment plant with a capacity of 1320 t/day and an annual capacity of 410,000 tons for the production of Secondary Solid Fuel;
  • one chemical laboratory for constant testing and monitoring of process parameters;
  • sales, administrative, technical, and customer care offices.


Rida’s activity

RDF/SSF production turns waste into a valuable resource. Besides providing effective answers to the shortage of fossil fuel available on Earth, it allows the reuse of waste that otherwise would be landfilled, thus reducing the overall CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.
Moreover, thanks to a high level of flexibility and engineering, it is possible, if necessary, to adapt the process and its characteristics in order to always be able to meet the needs of the region in matters of plant capacity, technology, and cost-effectiveness of the service provided to customers.

RDF production

The new waste treatment plant for the production of RDF/SSF was designed in line with the company’s philosophy of promoting innovation and using the best available technologies and allows for a fully automatic and symbiotic operation. Constantly striving for technological innovation, the company was awarded some prestigious prizes, such as the “Innova Lazio” award in 2006 and 2007 for the most innovative projects in the region.

This plant has an annual waste treatment capacity of 410,000 tons and can be used to process not only unsorted MSW, but also sewage sludge and organic fractions, important resources to activate the bio-drying process. After the mechanical treatment, a large portion of the waste coming out of the biocells can be used for energy recovery: one third to produce high quality SSF to be used in cement plants and two thirds to produce SSF to be processed in waste-to-energy plants both in Italy and abroad. Internal waste transport is carried out by means of automated overhead cranes. A software system that is connected to a high precision instrumentation, installed directly on the plant units, controls the whole process: from the opening and closing of biocells, to the activation and control of bio-drying processes, and the tests on the products of the drying process. As a result, the waste to be landfilled can be reduced to a minimum, thus producing a large quantity of high quality fuel.

Thanks to the most advanced waste treatment technologies available at a European level, Secondary Solid Fuel has become an alternative fuel source, especially in the cement production industry, to replace pet-cokes and carbon-cokes, thus leading to a considerable reduction in polluting emissions and in the amount of waste to be landfilled. This obviously makes a valuable contribution to the fight against the inefficient waste management systems that lie at the root of the waste crisis affecting many Italian regions, from which the criminal underworld and the so called “ecomafia” often benefit.

Liquid waste treatment

The correct disposal of liquid waste requires specific treatments, which depend on the type of liquid waste and on the materials it contains. Rida Ambiente’s treatment plants can process different types of wastewater and pumpable sludge, domestic wastewater, non-hazardous industrial sludge, leachates, dumpster cleaning water, removing suspended heavy metals, mineral oils, sediments, surfactants, pollutants and industrial products.

The biological and chemical-physical wastewater treatment plants are the flagship technology of Rida Ambiente. Our treatment method is based on a thorough chemical analysis of the wastewater to be processed, which allows us to determine its chemical composition. In the chemical-physical wastewater treatment facilities every type of waste is treated depending on the pollutants it contains and it is then processed accordingly, carrying out different kinds of treatments: physical pretreatment, oil separation, specific chemical-physical treatments and chemical-physical treatments in continuous reactors. Moreover, the plant is equipped with a biological and chemical-physical sludge treatment unit, which is used for the stabilization and dehydration of the sludge to be disposed of at appropriate facilities.

Our highly innovative treatment processes ensure a significant pollutant reduction, in full compliance with the strict limits imposed by the regulations on wastewater discharge into surface water bodies. The chemical-physical treatment plants have a treatment capacity of 15 m3/h, while the capacity of the ones used for the biological treatment is 20 m3/h.
The whole plant can process 175,200 tons of non-hazardous liquid waste per year.